Trever helped to create a pollinator garden!

My 10 Hour day at Gulf Islands National Seashore!

As my alarm went of a 6oclock AM on September 26, 2015, I was all but excited to spend 10 hours on Gulf Islands National Seashore. However, as I look back on the day, it feels great to know that I personally was able to make an environmental impact on the place that I love and have grown up in.  Gulf Islands National Seashores mission is to preserve the pristine beaches, wildlife, and the culture so that many people after us are able to learn and enjoy the same things that we did. The organizations mission was a huge reason why I chose to volunteer with them. It is inspiring to me that people have so much passion to preserve something for not themselves to enjoy, but the future generations to come. They are participating in something bigger then themselves, and for myself to have the opportunity to do the same, felt awesome.

Bat Houses for Jackson Guard

Check out the bat houses Tony made for his service learning project:

Oyster wall!

This will be in the water before you know it! Protecting a shoreline, creating habitat and improving water quality! Way to go Fall 2015 class!

One hour a week at a shoreline making a big difference!

Vabrice spent time at the beach to satisfy her service, not too shabby!! 

I took my service learning to the beach. Here I aided my fellow peers in cleaning up the beach. While doing it not only did it give me a great indescribable feeling, I helped save my environment one small step here I collected blocks of wood that were chilling shore side, broken chairs that people left, and wrappers that people had neglected to throw away in the trash. AND I HELD A STARFISH FOR THE FIRST TIME THAT WAS REALLY ACTIVE!!!!  This service project has taught me that we as a people have to love our environment more, because if we don’t no one else will.  With well over millions of people on the face of the planet it is our sole responsibility to take care of the place, that takes care of us.  Litter can lead one to think that an area is unkempt and unsafe and that disorder and littering are tolerated. (Which it is not) Litter attracts more litter. If we can clean our physical environment to make it look better, we as a people will feel better and isn’t that what life is all about? So the next time you walk across some trash on the floor wherever you shall be, even if it wasn’t you’re doing pick it up! It’s really all a domino effect and you never know what animal, ecosystem, wetland, and/or environment is thanking you.